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We Provide In-house and ITSSAR Accredited training

: We conduct all training on customer site we specialise in providing on-site training and this course is delivered using a mixture of both classroom based tutorial and practical machine operating, testing and a final course assessment.

Aims and Objectives

To provide the practical skills and the operating safety knowledge necessary to train operators to correctly prepare, safely operate and correctly maintain a Loading Shovel.

Learning Outcomes

  • To have a basic understanding of the dangers and their responsibilities as an operator
  • To be able to locate and identify the major components and key controls of the machine and explain their functions
  • Conduct all pre-operational checks, identify PPE appropriate for Loading Shovel and prepare the machine ready for operation
  • Operate machinery safely and efficiently
  • Storage and transport of implements and attachments
  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of loading and unloading procedures for machine transportation
  • Carry out all end of shift and shut down procedures
  • Bucket loader capacity
  • Load stability
  • Overloading device
  • Equipment care
  • PPE Requirement

Delegate Eligibility / Entry Requirements

This course is designed for candidates of all abilities. We can assist candidates with any learning difficulties or where English may not be their first language, please mention when booking a course.


The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) state that everyone at work needs to know how to work safely and without risks to health.

The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 requires employers to provide their employees with information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, their health and safety at work.

There are a number of other regulations with specific training requirements, e.g. The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER 98) specifies the need for training for people who use work equipment, and (LOLER) Lifting Operation Lifting Equipment Regulation 1998

Course Duration

The Loading Shovel training course ratios are

Novice: 3 Candidates :1 Machine: 1 Instructor, Duration: 5 Days

Refresher and Test: 3 Candidates: 1 Machine: 1 Instructor, Duration: 1 Day

Experienced: 3 Candidates: 1 Machine: 1 Instructor: 2-4 Day

Course Content

  • Responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and other relevant legislation and guidelines
  • Pre-operational checks
  • Manoeuvrability
  • Operate all controls safely and sympathetically
  • External transport loading
  • Creation of a ramp and transport material safely
  • Attachments if required
  • End of shift checks

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